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The Academic Learning Center at Trinity Christian Academy is designed to encourage and support students in grades 6-12 who have a diagnosed learning disability and /or Attention Deficit Disorder. The Learning Center does not offer a separate curriculum. Its purpose is to guide each student to achieve satisfactory progress and grade level expectations within the established TCA curriculum.

To be considered for acceptance in the Learning Center, each student must complete a Learning Center application. A complete current battery of diagnostic evaluations by a qualified diagnostician is required. A specific diagnosis of a learning disability and/or Attention Deficit Disorder is necessary for a student's admission to the Learning Center. To continue enrollment, a new diagnostic report is required every three years. Following these requirements, a conference will be scheduled to meet the new applicant and discuss his or her placement.

Learning Center enrollment is limited to allow each student to be provided with appropriate attention and guidance. Upon acceptance, a mandatory fee is required, payable in the TCA Finance Office. Admission to or withdrawal from the program is permitted throughout the year. A student's enrollment is automatically renewed each school year, if testing is current, unless the parent requests removal. If, for any reason, a student withdraws from the Learning Center but later requests re-admittance, the original enrollment process must be completed.

The Learning Center Program supports students by:

  • creating a positive, accepting atmosphere that minimizes frustration;
  • providing teachers with updated summaries of diagnostic evaluation reports;
  • orchestrating parent-teacher conferences as needed;
  • monitoring weekly grade reports in each academic subject, discussing strategies for improvement with student and contacting parents when necessary;
  • providing a direct liaison between the student, teachers, parents, and administration on behalf of the student;
  • providing availability of Learning Center computers;
  • allowing opportunity for renewed credit for spelling corrections on test, if the student's diagnostic report so dictates;
  • explaining directions to complete tests or assignments; and
  • equipping students with appropriate strategies and skills to become self-directed and responsible.

Students report to the Learning Center as part of their regular school day.  Adjustments to graduation plans can be made in the areas of Fine Arts, if necessary. Cost for participation in the Academic Learning Center program is $1800 ($200/month).

For additional information, please contact ALC Director Kathy Haxel at 817-441-5897. Her office is located at Trinity Christian Academy Secondary Campus.
