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Bible Buddies

Each year, PK3-5th grade students are matched with a secondary Bible students - their “Bible Buddies.” Elementary and secondary teachers plan fun, Bible activities for the buddies to do together. Some months, students meet in the elementary building and other months in the secondary Bible classrooms. This is a time-honored tradition that has helped to build relationships and reflects our TCA family atmosphere. Students love to meet with their buddies each month and talk about God’s word.

Field Trips

We love our field trips at TCA! Kindergarten-5th graders enjoy exploring museums, exhibits, performances and nature as they leave campus together. Each class may take up to two field trips per semester. Teachers also plan an additional mission trip to a local ministry in order to allow a place for our students to serve others in Jesus’ name. Parents are always welcome to attend all elementary field trips.

Mission Projects

Mission projects and service to others in Jesus’ name are the backbone of TCA. Since the school began, teachers have been planning mission opportunities for their students. From collecting coats and mittens for the homeless to preparing lunches for needy children and serving at local ministries, each class participates in at least one mission trip a year. This is a meaningful time for students to apply their Bible knowledge and show God’s love to others.

Center of Hope Canned Food Drive

TCA participates in Parker County’s food bank program, Center of Hope. Every month, students bring 5 cans of food to be donated to Center of Hope. We keep a yearly graph of the number of cans donated. Students get so excited to see how much food they can give to needy people in their community.  

Safety Patrol

If you drive to the elementary campus before school begins, you will be greeted by our Safety Patrol team. Each April, 4th graders apply to be a part of the 5th grade Safety Patrol. 5th graders attend training in the summer. When school begins, the safety patrol teams are prepared to open doors during drop off and greet students as they come to school. Our safety patrol team is dedicated to making sure everyone is safe and welcomed every day. They take their job very seriously. TCA’s Safety Patrol is faithful to serve families through rain and shine.

Running Club

During PE class and outside of school, Kindergarten-5th graders have the opportunity to participate in TCA Elementary Running Club. Our PE teacher sponsors this club each year. The teacher sets healthy running goals for students. Students earn charms to go on their running club necklace based on the number of laps they complete.  Also, 3rd-5th graders divide into teams and are tracking their running “across the United States.” Sometime during the school year, the running club schedules a team entry in a local 5K. Parents often join in the 5K run with their children. This club faithfully trains each month, and students wear their hard-earned necklaces proudly!

Accelerated Reader

2nd-5th graders at TCA elementary participate in Accelerated Reader. “AR” is an online program in which students read grade level trade books and then take an online comprehension tests. With each test, students can earn AR points in which they trade in for fun classroom activities.  Each month, top AR students have their picture taken for a school bulletin board. At the end of the year, the elementary principal takes the top two AR students from each class to lunch for a book talk.

Spiritual Emphasis Week

In the elementary building, the week before Easter is Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week. Elementary enrichment teachers help to coordinate activities during the week. A special Easter emphasis is chosen each year. Enrichment teachers plan hands-on fun activities to reinforce the theme. During chapel, there is a lesson concerning the week’s emphasis. Spiritual emphasis week is a wonderful time to prepare our hearts for the Easter season.


We have chapel each Tuesday morning as a way to meet together for a cooperate worship time. During elementary chapel, PK-1st graders meet at 8:30-9:00 and 2nd-5th meet from 9:10-9:40. Chapel is a special service in which we pray, sing songs, and hear an age appropriate Bible message. Each year, teachers choose a yearly Bible verse. Then, themes from the verse are used as chapel topics throughout the year. We enjoy area speakers, class skits and teacher lessons during chapel. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend chapel with their children.

Missionary Lunch

Twice a month, elementary students are able to buy a special “missionary lunch” which is served during their regularly scheduled lunch time. All the proceeds from the lunch are sent to our elementary sponsored missionary, Rachel Chapman who is serving in central Mexico. Rachel works with New Tribes Missions to translate the bible into the Nahautl language.  The lunch is prepared and served by a group of dedicated parents who form our “Missionary Lunch Team.” Volunteers are always welcomed.

4th Grade Trip

As a conclusion to the 4th grade Texas History study, all fourth grade students go to Austin and San Antonio on a Texas Heritage Trip. Our students experience what we have studied! The “fourth grade trip” is a learning based, fun-filled time of exploring the Texas state capitol, the Texas State Cemetery, several missions in San Antonio and much more! TCA charters buses for this 4 day, 3 night trip. At least one parent must accompany each student.  The fourth grade trip is such a great time for families to get to know each other and enjoy some Texas History.
